Forward firing radars are primarily used for measuring the speed of vehicles approaching or receding from the radar unit. They are suitable for detecting vehicles over a long range, often used on urban traffic and highways.
TraffiClair ClairWav forward firing radars have following advantages:
1. Field of View
Focused on long-range detection (250-400m), Suitable for detecting objects or obstacles at a distance directly ahead, such as other vehicles, pedestrians, or road obstructions.
Higher accuracy for the detection of extra long queue. Can follow the vehicle for much longer distance as well.
2. Multiple Targets
Support up to 256 multiple targets.
3. Cross Sections (Measuring Lines /Virtual loops)
Support maximum 64 cross sections ( measuring lines or virtual loops)
Support maximum 16 cross sections per each lane
4. Side Mounting Support
Usually mounted at the front of the vehicle or system, often integrated into the grille, bumper, or windshield area.
Also support side mounting in highway applications, managing multiple lanes, providing data per each lane.
5. Vehicle Trajectory
Support vehicle trajectory data which will be important for applications like V2X.