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ClairLup loop detectors feature a response time less than 10ms

The response time of ClairLup loop detectors is less than 10ms, whereas similar products in the market typically have response times ranges from 24ms to 100ms. A response time of less than 10ms provides significant advantages in terms of accuracy, efficiency, safety, and the ability to support advanced traffic management and smart city applications. While a response time of 24ms to 100ms is adequate for many current needs, the faster response time is critical for high-precision, real-time applications and future-proofing traffic management systems.


For example,

If a detection system has a 100 millisecond response time, it means it can detect objects passing by within that time frame. For a 4-meter-long car:

  • Speed = Distance / Time = 4 meters / 0.1 seconds = 40 meters per second.
  • Converting meters per second to kilometers per hour: 40 m/s * 3.6 = 144 km/h.

Therefore, a 4-meter-long car traveling faster than 144 km/h will pass the detection point before the system can register it, assuming a 100 millisecond response time.


Check out the detail introduction of ClairLup loop detector family:

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