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Resolving Dead Lock Issues Caused by Heavy Vehicles with ClairLup Loop Detectors


At the client's project site, there was a recurring issue where the output signal would persist even after a vehicle had left, causing the detector to enter a locked state. After replacing the existing detectors with ClairLup detectors, we discovered that the inductance variation caused by certain vehicles, particularly heavy trucks, was significantly skewed. This skewing prevented the original detectors from correctly recognizing when a vehicle had departed, resulting in the lock state.

By utilizing the waveform characteristics, ClairLup detectors can accurately determine whether a vehicle has truly left, even with significant inductance variations. This capability ensures that the signal ends correctly, effectively resolving the lock state issue. As a result, our detectors can quickly output a departure signal, preventing lock states and ensuring reliable operation.

Other products may use a fixed holding time to change presence status, risking false alarms if a vehicle is parked continuously. Our solution uses intelligent anti-lock algorithms for maintenance-free operation, eliminating the need for holding time. Detection is based on vehicle deviation over time and entry of other vehicles.

Check out the detail introduction of ClairLup loop detector family:

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