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Effortless Video Detection and Signal Control Optimization with Traffic AI Box

Published on May 23, 2024

ClairBox-R AI Box represents the pinnacle of intelligent video recognition devices tailored for traffic applications. Powered by cutting-edge AI technology and boasting formidable video processing capabilities, AI Box excels in real-time capture and analysis of video content. Its core strength lies in its deep learning algorithms, endowing the device with human-like understanding and recognition abilities, accurately identifying shapes of road users and environmental features. With millisecond-level processing speed, it achieves high accuracy vehicle detection, road user classification, and event identification, revolutionizing traffic detection.

Beyond its prowess in video recognition, AI Box serves as a signal algorithm generation hub, streamlining signal optimization processes by providing split, cycle, offset optimization, and scheme generation based on real-time traffic data. Its expanded software functionalities enable green wave generation, special vehicle pre-emption, traffic signal performance evaluation, incident alert, and touchless pedestrian button activation. By fostering distributed computing among AI Boxes across different intersections, it autonomously generates region-based signal optimization solutions, achieving optimal control effects with minimal human intervention.

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